Nintendo Switch or Nintendo Switch Lite? - 2

- in Nintendo

I'm currently considering buying a Nintendo Switch or Nintendo Switch lite. I actually want it to be as cheap as possible and I find the Nintendo Switch a bit expensive but on the other hand the Nintendo Switch has many disadvantages. Will go to boarding school soon, which is why I have no television available except on weekends. So is it worth getting a Nintendo Switch or would you prefer Nintendo Switch Lite? And can you play all the games you can play on Nintendo Switch on Nintendo Switch Lite? If you can, could you also send me a link to the switch you find better?


So actually it is not worth it to get the normal version if you don't have a TV. The good thing is that you can use it like a normal console and play with several people, but you can also take the switch with you as a handheld. If you don't have a TV, I would rather buy the lite version.


Well, you can't play a super mario party on the lite, otherwise I think it's pretty good.

Since the normal switch has Bluetooth connection on the controllers, they pack up after no time, then you would have to buy new ones. I haven't had such a problem with the lite yet.


I prefer the normal switch because I can also connect it to a monitor or PC.
The built-in screen is also larger and the Joy-Cons can be removed.

And can you play all the games you can play on Nintendo Switch on Nintendo Switch Lite?

You can only play games on Switch Lite that also support handheld mode. A few games do not support this.
On the back of the game box, however, it is always stated which game modes are supported.


Thank you. Can you still play Animal Crossing with friends on Switch Lite? And do you know if Attack On Titan supports handheld mode?


Yes Animal Crossing can be played with friends.
If everyone has their own console you can visit them in local mode. You can also visit via online mode, but this requires the paid service »«.
I don't know how well it works to play with several people on a Switch Lite, because everyone needs a controller there. With the normal switch, you can simply take the two Joy-Cons here. With Switch Lite you will have to buy additional controllers. Furthermore, it is quite stupid to look at the small screen with several people.

I can't say anything about Attack On Titan. You would have to look at the back of the case before you buy it.
However, I assume that it will also run on the Switch Lite.


I had the switch lite for a few months because I wanted the DS feeling. It's a total letdown. Has no vibration, the screen is smaller, and mine always somehow lost the internet connection.


What does "spack after a while" mean?

Mine have been holding for over 2 years.


Well… The one of my normal switch has the sgick with which you go in the soielen always packed to the top left… So that the character goes there 💀


Okay, that's strange 😳


Yup. On my lite, which I have had just as long now (i.e. When it started laying), everything is normal