Nintendo Switch too cheap?

- in Nintendo

Hello on this side one can buy a Switch Bundle for 272euro everywhere else costs those over 300. Has someone there ever experiences made because I find nothing to the side in the Internet? Is this a scam?

EDIT: Watching everyone the site is a scam!


I would take, is quite cheap with game and if you look in the imprint is a German seller from Hamburg. Would not make any cash advance but with transfer that you pay only if you have the article.


The price is reasonable, I also bought my for the price about


Just because Hamburg is in there, the provider does not have to be reputable:

Contact options (duty at imprint) are missing
Where the USt-ID should be, is only the commercial register number


The company Hausdeich Media GmbH is known for several faceshops.
Only credit card as a payment option


Ok, thank you, I'd better keep my hands off it.


If only credit card I would find that strange, then I would also google for the shop if there's any information about it. And now that you say it with the contact options, I noticed now synonymous.


Honestly, that does not look like a commercial company selling the washing machines and so on.

This can be found at the address mentioned in the imprint on Google Maps.