YouTube monetization possible in one year (gaming)?

- in Nintendo

It would be possible to make the YouTube monetization (1000 subscribers and 4000 hours of watchtime in the last 12 months) in one year so if you start making videos (in the field of gaming) I would then probably play Nintendo Switch games on my Xbox: Rocket League, Rainbow Six Siege, (Fortnite if I want to) and on Pc Minecraft and maybe Roblox. Please write an answer.


Depends on. How do you plan to publicize your channel?


You can always monetize your videos, right?


Through gaming videos


I didn't mean that. Or do you assume that people watch your videos just because you upload them? Then I change my answer to "No, is not possible"


Of course it is possible.

The much more important question is "is that likely".

And it's probably not.

You make content like thousands of others. Gaming now feels like every second.

So you have to ask yourself if you want to reach the goal directly in the first year "How will I stand out from the gigantic mass?" What will you do differently, what people really want to see then?

If you can only make a video with one minute and 1 million views, then you have already completed the 4000 hours and the 1k subs. However, it is much more likely that you will produce many videos with 20 views each - and so it takes forever to reach the required numbers.

So do something special.


No, you need 1000 subscribers and 4000 hours of video material. After that, it will only be unlocked for you.


No, not from YouTube.

You must have 4,000 hours of view time and 1k subscriptions.

It used to be different and the requirements are constantly being adapted.


OK. So I have an old channel with over 1000 subscriptions but that with 4000 hours of video material seems wrong to me… How is that supposed to work? There are 60 episodes on the channel of about 30 minutes each, just 30 hours and everything is monetized…


Ah ok… Then it became a lot more difficult…


The requirements for monetization are constantly changing, if you have activated this before then they will hardly take it away from you, only today you need it.


4000 hours views = / = 4000 hours of video material


Oh… 😂


In any case.

It's like Twitch, for example. The requirements are also increasing.

The bigger the platform the more / bigger requirements you have to meet to be able to play.