YouTube on the Nintendo Switch has stopped working properly?

- in Nintendo

I have a problem with Youtube on Nintendo Switch a few minutes ago. In the picture you can see that YouTube works, but the design actually looks very different. I've had this problem for a while. When I go back to YouTube after a short time, it has this design. I just uninstall it, reinstall it and have to log in to Google with it and YouTube looks like it did before. But now it is no longer possible. I uninstalled YouTube 5-6 and reinstalled it in between restarted the switch 2 times looked for errors in the settings but nothing helped. Whenever I went into Youtube after I installed it, the screen wasn't where I can either log in via TV or something or via a smart device. However, it is no longer there and I always get this picture. I would like to have the old YouTube again, so the design I had before and not this one because that is really too complex. Does anyone know how I can fix this. I really uninstalled 5-6 and reinstalled it and nothing happened. I'm happy about any help. Thanks in advance

YouTube on the Nintendo Switch has stopped working properly

What's the problem with that? Isn't it just the design?


But everything is completely complex and YouTube looks completely different on the switch and wants to fix this problem


That's just the dark mode, go to the settings and change it again


It doesn't usually look any different