Zelda. I can't fight the Skullwandulas on the way to the summit of Death Mountain. Need

- in Nintendo

I know the game is a bit older, but I hope someone can help me anyway.

I play Zelda on Nintendo 3ds and am currently on my way to the summit of Death Mountain. I can't get past the wall where the skull wallullas are, because I can't fight them. I know that you could always defeat them with a ranged weapon. But I can't use any of these weapons right now. I do not know why. Does anyone know how I can get past the Skullwandullas or fight them and why I can't use the slingshot and boomerang?


Do you have a picture for me? Just do not know exactly where you're hanging.


You must kill those with the fairy slingshot first. Simply climb up while life is hardly, although feasible but quite difficult and not really necessary.


Skulltulas are purely optional and will not run away. If you can't get there, you may still lack the necessary tools. Boomerang should you still get, if you mean Ocarina of Time, which does not emerge from the question clearly enough.


Well, in "Skullwandula" is already immediately clear that Ocarina of Time is meant


You know that there's more than one Zeldateil? And I'm not one of those who know EVERY Zelda. And if even Impa appears in every game, even though only Link, Zelda and Ganon (village) talk about a rebirth cycle, who should assume that Character XY is exclusive?


If you read 3DS and Skullwandula and this description, you can get on it very easily.


There are also several Zelda games on 3DS, including those available as a Virtual Console Port in the shop. Except for Ocarina I have not even played one of them, so I still do not know if this character is game-exclusive. Impa comes as mentioned before everywhere, although that should not be, because it is not affected by the rebirth curse, in contrast to the wearers of the Tri Force.


Yes, I mean ocarina of time


The thing is that I can't use the fairy slingshot. I do not know Warul that is


How can you send pictures here?


Now knows where you are hanging. But why can't you use your items?