Which console from Nintendo?

- in Nintendo

As you can see in the top title, I'm looking for a new cheap old Nintendo console that I can buy used on ebay. I think about N64 (mainly because of Super Mario 64, Banjo Kazooie, Banjo Tooie, The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time, The Legend of Zelda Majoras Mask, Donkey Kong 64 and Diddy Kong Racing), the GameCube (mainly because of Super Mario Sunshine, Metroid Prime 1 + 2, The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess, The Legend of Zelda Skyword Sword, The Legend of Zelda Wind Waker) and the Wii (Mainly for Super Mario Galaxy 1 + 2, Twilight Princess (Remake), Skyword Sword (Remake ), Metroid Prime Triology, Donkey Kong Country Returns and New Super Mario Bros Wii). Of course, there are still tons of other good games for the consoles.

My second question would be, what would be a reasonable price for the games on ebay?


On ner wii you can also play gamecube games, if you have NEN controller. So for info

Here I would just recommend the wii. Since you have a huge selection games and are quite flexible.

Unfortunately I do not know the reasonable price but they are not that expensive anymore. Compare easy prices!


Is it possible to play all GameCube games on any Wii, or is there a problem with older versions of Wii, for example?


Skyward Sword never came on the Gamecube
On the Wii (first generation) you can fully play Gamecube games
The HD remakes of Wind Waker and Twilight Princess are for the WiiU


1. Oops yes, sry

2. Then I have to hope that the seller also has the generation

3rd I meant so synonymous no HD remakes ^^


As far as I've read out now in google, the older models are even better for GC games but otherwise just googling. You'll find something soon anyway.


Wind Waker is Gamecube exclusive. The HD remake was then only for the WiiU so if you do not have Wii of the first gen you will not be able to play windwaker on the Wii. The first gene you recognize that on the top is a flap under the Gamecube ports are.

Twilight princess came out on Gamecube and Wii at the same time. So this is not a remake but a port.

Incidentally, there was also an Ocarina of Time Remake for the Gamecube (OOT Masterquest) so that you could play on the Wii Ocarina of Time.


Alright, thanks for your answer! Then I would look when buying that there's a Wii in the first gene!


Wii, pay attention to the GameCube controller ports are tuned, are also very rare games (Zelda collectors Edition for example)


But otherwise you get the said games well, right? For example, I would be so happy to play Super Mario Sunshine, which I've always wanted. Metroid I also wanted to make up for eternity, but I have never had the right consoles. Mario Galaxy 1 + 2 I would then also grow directly, which I wanted to make up for a long time, but had never before a Wii.


Games get good, for Wii there's Metroid 1-3 in one edition, with Wii control even better


There were two versions of the Wii 2: the older one, which still supported all GCN games, and the new one, which does not even have the associated slots anymore. 😊