Tank game nintendo ds?

- in Nintendo

So when I was a child I had a game for the Nintendo DS, which unfortunately I could never finish playing because my parents threw it away. I remembered that recently and I would like to buy and play it again, but I don't know what it's called and I can't find it on Google anymore.

Maybe one of you knows what it's called, I'll try to describe the game:

The game was about driving a tank, which you could control with the touch display. In the touch display itself you saw a map on which you had to draw where you want to go and so on, I think you could see first person on the upper display. Your own tanks were always blue and your opponents red. You always had an AI helper. During the game you could unlock and play new tanks with new skills. In the last mission I remember (which I never did), the enemy tank had lasers and was super powerful.

Hope you can help me.


Since no one else can help you, you probably haven't thought of googling: 😂


Hope I could help you and LG 👋