Nintendo Switch. Why is the fan so loud?

- in Nintendo

I bought a Nintendo Switch about 3 weeks ago. The fan has been very loud every time since it was started for the first time. The fan is really loud from the moment the console is switched on until it is switched off. I'm not so sure either, but is something broken or is that normal?


It doesn't seem normal. I actually don't notice mine at all.


It only happened once to me when I was sitting in the sun. At normal temperature, I don't hear anything.


When I play more complex titles (for switch conditions) the fan becomes audible or loud. So according to my experience it doesn't seem to be normal. Take the switch to a check if you still have a guarantee. They check everything, Joycons, battery, etc.


After switching on the console, it sometimes starts up. But that shouldn't last long.

If the fan is still loud, it is probably because the switch is constantly too warm. Reasons that come to mind would be, for example, that the fan is not properly exposed, or that the ambient temperature is very warm, or that you play games that make the switch sweat.


The ambient temperature is currently not high for me. The fan is exposed because I don't cover it while playing. I only play Animal Crossing at the moment and don't know if that's why the Switch is so loud.