TV screen suddenly black, what should I do?

- in Nintendo

The TV screen of a brand Sharp TV from my mother just turned black, it's still on, but it's black (you can tell by the fact that it's still lightly lit) down there's a little red and red light white flashing (otherwise only white lights up and turns red when you press something on the remote control)

My mother says that just happened because I hooked up my new nintendo switch (a few days ago) to the TV (this was not finished at the time the TV screen went off)

Can that be due to the switch?

And does anyone have an idea how to get the TV to work again?

He does not react to the remote control and does not respond to the button on the back either, pulls the plug out and back in it goes out briefly but is then in the same condition. It plays neither image nor sound.


There's a profession that deals with this… Calles radio and television technicians. Call, make an appointment and work. Do not forget numbers afterwards.


That is 99.9% not on your Nintendo. Take the TV to a technician who checks the device. Possibly. Is it just a backup or something similar?


I do not think that it is the switch.

Disconnect all cables for a few hours from the TV, so electricity, hdmi, tv cable, etc.

Then turn it back on, if nothing works I would give it to review Fri TV and then see how it goes on.


Very unrealistic that the switch was the cause.

On to the repair master with it. Either a trifle or a rapper is due. The latter is usually not profitable.


Alright, but if someone has any idea what might be going on I do not want to get a technician

If I do not find a solution then I'll make an appointment


Everything was over night except for the tv signal cable (do not know what that means) but i will try it again with all cables off


Okay thanks a lot ^^


Okay thanks ^^


Since you have somehow changed the mode. Search the guide on the Internet. Simply "Sharp TV" brings you no further. The exact name. If you are lucky, one had the same problem.