Nintendo Direct?

- in Nintendo

Moin, Nintendo Direct has just ended. Of the games presented, I only found the Golf Game and the Zelda Remake nice. Otherwise I think that the Nintendo Direct has really failed.

Which games did you like?


Skyward Sword just pulled me into the hype right away!

Splatoon looks quite nice, but now for the 3rd time full price for basically the same game? Well, doesn't sound that useful. Maybe when it's on sale, otherwise not.


Uff, I hope they finally set up a couple of capable network code programmers on Splatoon…


Well, since the game should not be out until 22, I have hope that they will use the new servers.


Which "new servers"? But well capable network code developers can do without a server.


Nintendo seems to have ditched its old server systems and is now using new ones. But of course I don't plan to convert old games to this one.


Nope because e.g. Splatoon had no servers (except for logging in). That was just the old (but new) network code because Nintendo wanted to save here…


Really now?-. No wonder that nothing works again.

Nintendo, get good Net-Code developers!


Miitopia was the biggest surprise for me I thought the Miis are dead but apparently not?!


Personally, I found Project triangle Strategy very interesting.

Of course Pyra / Mythra in Smash could also be quite good if they play well.

Mario Golf, well it's golf. I'm not quite sure what to think of it yet.

Skyward sword. I've played it before and without major innovations it just isn't worth playing for me.

Splatoon 3: It's not a little early for that. I thought Splatoon would appear once per console. Nothing against the game, it looks very interesting, but I played Splatoon 2 very actively until recently and haven't been able to play Splatoon for several years.

Miitopia: I can't explain the game at all. The WII U ports can still be understood. But why now a not so good 3Ds game.

Overall, I was satisfied with the Direct.

I just hope that it wasn't a one-time thing and that we get another Direct in the summer, if not earlier.