Stardew Valley quest item gone, bad?

- in Nintendo

In Stardew Valley there's the quest to bring Linus back to his basket.

I found the basket by accident and put it in my box before going to bed. The next morning, the basket had disappeared from the box and at the place where you find it, it is no longer. (I certainly did not give it to him.)

The quest also disappeared from the quest log, but did not receive a reward.

Now my question. Is this bad for the rest of the game, or was the basket maybe dispensed automatically?

By the way, play on the Nintendo Switch.


Should not be relevant. I have the quest as I had rejected it and nothing happened.

Of course, you can't get the reward because you can't finish the quest.

Did you put the basket in the sales box? 😂

Could also be that it was given automatically, but I do not know.


I've been thinking about maybe selling it accidentally, but I'm pretty sure I put it in the normal box.

Anyway, if it did not matter to you, then that fits.