Waluigi for Smash?

- in Nintendo

This is a question that affects gamers, people who enjoy playing video games and may have played Super Smash Bros. Too. Many want to see Waluigi as a fighter in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate for the Nintendo Switch, instead of him being just a helper trophy.

I have to say, I personally don't see Waluigi as a fighter in Smash and I don't really know attacks, special moves or an Ultra Smash for him. But since I've seen the characters that appeared as DLC fighters in Ultimate, I almost believe that it is even possible to include Waluigi as a fighter or it might be very interesting to see him as a fighter in Smash.

Are you also in favor of Waluigi becoming a fighter in Smash or do you think that is more nonsense and he should remain a helper trophy?


Yes Waluigi was my dream character for Ultimate!


Totally your opinion 👍


I agree with you. Because Waluigi really would have boring attacks.


I thought that Waluigi could strike with his tennis racket. Or he could use the ultra-hand, an extendable hand that's a Nintendo toy.

And for his ultra-smash, his special move from the Wii game Mario Sports Mix came into my head, where he has a device on his back where four mechanical arms come out, each of which has a ball / puck on the money thrown the basket or goal. In Super Smash Bros., maybe that machine could thrash the fighters with all its arms.


In the third from last line I meant field, of course, not money.


Thanks for the star