What should I get?

- in Nintendo

So, I'm hesitating again for what I should spend my money. I have now saved a bit and either consider getting a Nintendo 3DS XL new or a Blu-ray player or a DVD player.

Blu-ray and DVD player, I grab in a department, I would get me on the grounds that I love to watch Marvel movies and of course that would be super cool if you could do a serial marathon on the TV. There but the question would be if I should get Blu-ray or DVD player. I know that blu rays are supposed to have a much better quality, but that always depends on the TV. In addition, Blu Rays are more expensive and in the shops in my city there are almost everywhere just DVDs. You can order something over the Internet, but even then I have the impression that most films are often on DVD.

I would get the Nintendo 3DS XL new, because it's just cool to take it everywhere and then play different games on it. A contra for the DVD or Blu-ray player and thus a pro for the Nintendo stop, that I can't watch movies so often in a row, or I just do not like to see them often in a row, because then I know exactly what is happening. Unless I celebrate the films very much, but as I have not seen any Marvel films and other films, I do not know if I'm celebrating them so much that I would often see them.


I would get a PlayStation 4 On this you can play BluRays and DVDs… And… You can even gamble on it! So you have 3 birds with one stone.


Your decision now depends on what you have the highest priority.

However, I would recommend the Blu-ray player. Have a Blu-ray collection with over 300 discs at home.


Everything else does not make sense. You buy movies on platforms like Amazon and co as an online version and watch them on a computer, Smart TV and the like. A DVD or Blueray player is a useless device in this day and age, unless a large DVD or Blueray collection already exists at home.

If you play a lot, the 3DS can be worth it, provided the games match your gaming taste.

To own and specify in the subway it is too expensive.