Friend constantly want to buy ps4 games?

- in PlayStation

Hello guys my friend is 16 and i 20
His hobby is gambling. We have been together for almost 11 months.
Lately he's been looking for new games all the time and when it's too expensive he keeps getting in and asking me if he should buy it or not.

he's not supposed to buy games over 18, but he has a brother who is of legal age and for that reason he always asks me if I can get him these games so his mom thinks it's from his brother because she is he says he shouldn't and he should wait until he can get new games and save.
I bought games for him very often, my friend also gave me the money back, but every time he wants to come in with me in a shop just to look for games and that annoys me now because I always follow him there run and try to help him not buy it.

he always says I shouldn't buy it for him but then I just feel too sorry for him and buy him the game and he then gives me the money back.

I don't know what to do because I always tell him to wait until the end of the month to get something new so that at least he has money. But if he has, for example, 100 euro and wants to get something, then he says: at least I still have a little money, but I'm concerned that he should learn to save.
anyway I give it once a month if we soon have our 11-month-old or 12-month-olds have a voucher so that he can save because he doesn't get much money like me and at least I expect that he could wait between the times. What's your opinion?


Sounds more like you're a second mom to him.

According to your description, it still looks very awkward and childlike.

why are you doing this to yourself?


How long does it take to play a game?
Can't he buy games that he has had for longer?

As far as I know, games can also be borrowed, maybe this is cheaper if he plays through them very quickly. You would only buy games that you really want to play through over the long term.

I would ask him how long he has spent on the last games he bought, whether the purchase was worth it, whether he could choose the games for which he really wanted to spend money.

And well, take him with you to buy shoes or whatever bores him so that he notices how it feels when he constantly takes you to buy games.