Did Ark really shrink like that? Do you know ACTIVE trading platforms?

- in PlayStation

My name is neon and i played a lot of ark two years ago. So, a lot… 18 hours a day… Straight for two months… Back then we were playing on Legacy Servers [PS4] and even then the trading communities weren't the biggest, but damn it, Ark apparently lost players incredibly. We're just starting over and this time we're on the officials. I have now asked about trades in many communities and subreddits, because I would like to make the difficult start a little easier, but no answer: No community has more recent contributions than around eleven months and no reaction from anyone.

Now the questions from above: Did Ark really lose players so enormously? And: Does any of you know of platforms that are still traded on?

Have a good time!


You can't play Ark cleverly on PS4 …

Most people recognized that and that's why there aren't that many Ark PS4 players anymore…

And no one needs traders.


"Trader doesn't need a person"? Shouldn't trading be part of the community to create cohesion and meaning? For me, trading and helping are the only reasons why I once admired the community…


I've never heard of it, frankly…

We met in the online voice chat and lived through the game…

The way I still live in it, just without a teammate at the moment…

But I've never traded. Helped many times…

Some help comes together in 2700 h…


At the time, we might just have an atypical solidarity with each other on the server. We all didn't know each other in "real life" and never talked to each other, but you could ask anything about the chat. "Do you have any more boss rexes?" - And after ten minutes there were 20, 400 Rexes at the gates. Without expecting anything in return and just like that.

In terms of trading, we asked in communities. We often traded across servers. Dinosaurs, blueprints, raw materials… Although always only for in-game items, it was not uncommon for offers to be written for money. Today I'm looking for these offers, because after hundreds of hours of gaming experience I just want to breed, because that was the most fun for me. But I find absolutely no hearing anywhere…

This shocked me a lot because I found out what it was like. I just don't give up hope and will still look around.

Still, thanks for the answer.