Lego Harry Potter Years 1-4 Bug?

- in PlayStation

I have a problem with Lego Harry Potter. When I go into the Ravenclaw common room, I can't do anything anymore: I can no longer target and magic objects and thus can't fetch the golden stones and the students in danger. Really nice, since I'm already at 97% of the game. Is there no other way than to start a new game?

I hope someone can help me.

Ps: I play on the PS4


Fear, there's no other possibility; had a bug himself (Wii), had to deal with it, to be able to play the game never 100%, or to start a new score. I have decided for the latter, now 100%. (Was similar in the beginning.)

The game is quite old, that there's no update, which fixes all bugs, is really sad.


Really bad… But thanks anyway.


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