Buy X Box Series s now or wait for ps5 availability?

- in PlayStation

Buy X Box Series s now or wait for ps5 availability?


Better wait for the Series X / PS5
The Series S is pretty weak.


I would get the XSS because it costs just under 300 euro and is already very powerful.

The PS5 will remain in short supply for a long time to come.


So personally I wouldn't buy a series S simply because in my opinion it has too little power and no drive. I would wait until the Series X or PS5 are available again


Better wait. Later on, you will most likely regret not being so patient.


Some say she is strong, others don't, I don't even know who to believe anymore.


If you say that…


The XSS is strong for the 300 euro.

But of course it can't keep up with the PS5 or the XSX.


Yes, of course, I know that. I don't pay too much attention to performance, the main thing is that the game runs smoothly, no stuttering, sharp image. The small amount of storage space does not matter to me, I load games like gta etc. On an external SSD 1,2 actively play. I myself would say that the console is suitable for me. What do you say?


I would say so too.


In some respects it even has less power than the last generation consoles, an absolute compromise solution.

With an XSX or PS5 you are definitely better off, and much more future-proof.


I don't care, I'm the type of guy who plays different games, I just play gta warzone and fortnite


There's absolutely no point in which it has less power than the last-gen consoles.

I'll go into a couple of points.

The graphic:

The difference in graphical output between the Xbox One S and Xbox Series S will be quite significant, even if they look like similar pieces of hardware. The older console can only output in 4K through menus instead of using 1080p. While most games run as quiet as a whisper, they have reached the end of their life in terms of development.

In contrast, the Xbox Series S will be able to support 4K output using upscaling and will apparently aim for 120 fps performance at 1440p, which is a big step up. You also reportedly get ray tracing support and much faster performance - in the video above, a The Coalition developer says the S Series is more than four times as powerful as the One S.

That's a big step up, although the S Series still can't compete with the performance of the Xbox Series X, which has native 4K support and more power.

The CPU and the hard disk:

The Xbox Series S has the same CPU as the Series X, an 8-core chip running at 3.6 GHz or 3.4 GHz with multithreading. That's a major drawback to the One S, which has a custom eight-core processor running at 1.75 GHz.

On the RAM side, the Xbox One S and the All-Digital Edition each have 8 GB DDR3 RAM and 32 MB ESRAM with a bandwidth of 68 GB / s and 219 GB / s, respectively.

In contrast, the S series has 10 GB of GDDR6 memory with 224 GB / s, which is scaled according to the desired resolution, which is a small boost on paper.

These are the 3 most important points. Where is the XSS underperforming?


Then why are you asking what you should do when you seem to know exactly what you are going to do?

Makes no sense.

Wouldn't buy the console just because of the missing drive.


Because I found out later.

There are optical drives ^^


Wait the Series S is not without reason as the only Nexgen console almost problem-free deliverable that thing most do not want

The cuts that were made here are very high:

-No optical drive (you are 100% dependent on the consoles own store)

-Very small SSD (and the retrofit SSD for the Xbox is extremely expensive at 220 euro)

-Limited performance (no native 4K, Xbox One titles are only available in the One S but not in the One X version)

The Series S is more interesting than a 2 console or a travel console


If you mean external drives for PC, don't forget the functions on the digital consoles


There's absolutely no point in which it has less power than the last-gen consoles.

But see, for example, has less VRam than the Xbox One X that is also the reason why Xbox One games from the Series S are always played in the One S version

Incidentally, upscaling can never look as good as real 4K

what you can see for example with Forza Horizon 4 in the comparison S / X impressively


It is quite strong in S / X optimized games, but in no way comes close to the Big Series X, in downward compatible games it is considerably worse


I would only buy in the store anyway. Even if I got a ps5, I would take it digitally. I don't pay you 100 euro extra for such a dirty drive.


There are btw also external hard drives because you can play all normal games that were previously on x Box;)


With all the disadvantages of the old consoles where there was no SSD and native Nexgen games do not run from USB 3.0 disks


No matter now, I'll just save my money and then get the ps5 digital. It's all sold out at the moment anyway


The Series S is always available but as I said, that's Nexgen with hard cuts


No, that is wrong.

The Xbox Series S has 10 GB of GDDR6 VRAM. The Xbox One X, on the other hand, only has 8 GB GDDR5.



It has 12 GB and the graphics chip is significantly stronger with 6 teraflops (Series S 4 teraflops)


You give your source, and I mean.


You're confusing the whole thing with the Ps4 Pro… It actually has 8GB of RAM
