May I use his voice?

- in PlayStation

I'm Ytber and I'm still relatively small with 350 subscriptions and it is about trafficking with someone (in fortnite saving the world) and he would have to scam me (pee off) which is very good on the video could see

Have the video uploaded to the (PS4) and it has written me a ytber proudly said that he has 4 k subscription and that I should take down the video or his network cares about it

Do I have to take him seriously?


May I use his voice?

Not in my view.

Against picture and sound recordings in the public, it is difficult to do something, but very well how these pictures are used.

On the Internet, that could amount to a breach of telecommunications secrecy if he did not know you were picking it up.

From my point of view you can't publish his voice and his picture.


Think so. Just distort your voice and reload it.


That may even be punishable.

I'm of the opinion that under §201 StGB falls. Already recording is already illegal.
If you want to do it legally, you do not have to record your voice at all (maybe your own if you want), memorize or write down what he says and then repeat it. Then you would be on the safe side.

However, publishing is not punishable if "the public communication is made to exercise superior public interest." which could well be the case. It is indeed in the public interest to know that he is a fraud. That's an exception there's.