Ps4 PRO or PS5?

- in PlayStation

I wanted to ask Is it worth buying a PS4 Pro or a PS5 this Christmas this year?

Because my PS4 is already 5 years old and overheats quickly and is sometimes really loud.

I would actually get the PS5 but then I hardly have any money to buy games for the PS5.

And I still have a lot of time until December, but I wonder if it's worth it.

(I've cleaned my Ps4 before, but it still overheats quickly and is loud)


Would buy the PS 5. Even if it will get hundreds of euro cheaper within 2 years, it is still better than wasting it on a PS4.


Better to save for the ps5


It depends I already have a ps4pro and would not buy the 5 series, for example, but if you don't have one yet, I advise you to buy a ps5
For me personally it is not worth it because I do not jump from an iphone6 to an iphone7 if then I would only buy the 6 series for me if there were still two levels


I don't think it's worth it. I'd rather get the ps5 at some point the ps4 will be exhausted and there will be great games for the ps5, then you'll want to get the ps5 sooner or later, so save a little more.