What are the advantages of the XboxSeriesX over the Ps5? - 1

- in Xbox

I'm not a fanboy, I just want to find out more, as the topic interests me a lot. I don't earn any money from it either.

I don't care about the memory. I just want to have a fancy console in my room and start playing.

I don't care which company earns better or worse.

1.) The XboxSeriesX and the Ps5 have the same gaming performance confirmed by a game developer. The Ps5 offers better gaming performance, but we'll get to that in a moment.

Proof (dirt game developer). The game didn't look that good, but a developer is a developer.

What are the advantages of the XboxSeriesX over the Ps5

Playstation exclusive titles always look better anyway and that's a fact as Sony has more talented studios (Gorilla, Naughty, Isomaniac blah blah, etc.)

"Xbox bought Bethesda and games will look better in the future."

As before, Sony will develop better looking games in the future, and Sony will also buy several studios, as it has done in the past.

What do game developers want?

Faster ssd's.

Which platform provides you with exactly that?

Sony. With their super-fast SSD in the Ps5. Not a normal ssd, but a super fast one.

The Playstation 5 also has a Rdna 3 feature, the geometry engine, which the XboxSeriesX will not have. What exactly does I no longer have in my head.

What advantages does the XboxSeriesX (alone) have over the Ps5?

If you don't send me sources, I can't believe you and teraflops don't seem to matter anymore.

2.) Devil May Cry 5 does not support ray tracing with the Ps5 and with the XboxSeriesX. Why is that so? (Has been confirmed by the game developers and will be added as a patch for the XboxSeriesX.) But why not directly? The XboxSeriesX has 12,155 teraflops!

The Ps5 can be used at Yakuza 4k @ 60

The XboxSeriesX can only support 14440 @ 60 at Yakuza

And the XboxSeriesS can only 900p60 at Yakuza. :


I thought the XboxSeriesX was stronger.

Where are the 12,155 teraflops?

3.) The biggest advantage of the Ps5 is the SSD.

The PS5 ssd is twice as fast as the XboxSeriesX.

This is where game developers have stated that they most look forward to the ssd on the new consoles.


4.) Then Wi-Fi 6

The Ps5 has a 4k60 user interface.

You have seen the features of the user interface of the Ps5, so I don't need to explain them here.

5.) You can just stream with 4k60.

6.) The cover plates of the Ps5 can be removed and exchanged for a cover plate with a different color.

What are the advantages of the XboxSeriesX over the Ps5 - 1

Just wait until the things are out. I think the information on the performance and the resulting 4k60FPS in both camps are very optimistic and in the best case is possible through upscaling.

PS: You seem to be a fanboy to me because you are obviously chasing the MarketingBlaBla on one side.


I'm not a fanboy, I'm just fed up with fanboys who claim things that are not true without a source. I don't care about either side.


The XBOX series X has more power. But the difference is insignificant. The PS5 gets better optimized games and more exclusive titles.

The biggest disadvantage of the xbox series x is the series s on which all titles should still run, but which is much weaker. I don't know how brain amputated the people at microsoft are, or whether they've been deliberately doing this nonsense since the beginning of the XBOX.


But you don't know yet whether the statements you quoted are true. That's all marketing.


As if game developers were lying to us.


That was good. A dollar has never been spent on statements on Twitter or Instagram or an earlier implementation of features.


Quite a bunch.

1) Nothing is confirmed, you base this on the statement of a developer who says the game runs the same on both platforms. Since you usually Certain frame rates are aimed at 30/60/120 and an uneven open frame rate is undesirable, it is clear that there's often no difference here. However, this does not allow any conclusions to be drawn about the overall performance.

The exclusive title of the PS looking better is now also subjective. With graphics it always depends on where you look and what bothers you.

A super-fast SSD, then? The difference in - for example loading times - between a normal and an NVME SSD is marginal at best (there are already tests on this in the new consoles) - only when copying does that make a relevant difference. The leap for the consoles is of course huge - that's because the PS4 and co are still in the Stone Age when it comes to data carriers.

Before I send you sources, you have to prove why teraflops should no longer be important? Of course, they don't allow 1: 1 conclusions to be drawn about fps, but this is a very strong indicator and has always been.

2) Ray tracing light is patched? I would say there's another developer who is not finished with his work - we already know from the PC.

As for the tweet:

1. Does the tweet seem untrustworthy to me?

2. If Sony writes something about 4k again, then all the alarm bells go on for me - they have already written that on the ps4pro everywhere, but in native 4k there was simply nothing at all. The checkerboard rendering is not bad, but does not correspond to native 4k quality. Therefore, Sony's statements are not to be trusted here. If it is a 4k checkerboard rendering, that is even credible. Wouldn't look better than 1440p with proper anti alaiasing - only looks better if you write "4k this that".

3. Render 1440p natively and then a proper anti-aliasing technique can (doesn't have to) look much better than 4k in checkerboard rendering. You have to clarify that in each individual case when the time comes.

3) SSD already discussed above.

Of course, game developers are happy about the new consoles, the old ones had wait times that lasted several minutes - Stone Age.

4) wow

5) wow

6) wow I guess?


He's a typical fanboy. He only believes what he wants to believe. That is why he throws himself with all his might on the pr statements that are in favor of the ps4.


* ps5


There's someone here who does that for Xbox too. Even much worse, because sometimes posts are created in which not the advantages of one console, but the alleged disadvantages of the other console are imagined.

I could imagine that this should be deliberately contrary to that. 😄


2.) Devil May Cry 5 does not support ray tracing with the Ps5 and with the XboxSeriesX. Why is that so? (Has been confirmed by the game developers and will be added as a patch for the XboxSeriesX.) But why not directly? The XboxSeriesX has 12,155 teraflops!

if you count something like that among the advantages, you can already see the fanboy in you. Has it not occurred to you that the ps5 version was simply prioritized and thus completed faster because the ps4 was sold far more? But no, of course that has to be an indicator that the ps5 is simply better than the competition.

I'm not a fanboy

oh come on Are you trying to lie to us or are you just lying to yourself? In the bottom of your heart you probably know that you are a sony fanboy. Basically it's nothing bad, but you should admit it.


It was clear that this had to happen


That's why I asked why that is.

Game developers have said that making games easier on the Ps5 could have been that way too.

You don't have to believe that I'm not a fanboy. I don't care what others think.


You still haven't answered my question. What are the advantages of the XboxSeriesX (without gamepass) compared to the Ps5?


And what are the advantages of buying an XboxSeriesX when AAA games are going to look the same anyway?


But what advantages does the XboxSeriesX have over the Ps5?


More raw power and a little quieter


According to game developers, the raw performance won't make any difference to the gaming performance and we don't yet know the volume of the Ps5. Playstation games will be easier to develop after him, as the XboxSeriesS hold back the XboxSeriesX.

Even more?

I'm just factual.


Who says they'll look the same?


A game developer from Dirt 5 has confirmed this from the "general developer perspective":


You still haven't answered my question.


What has he confirmed who says that the 1-2 teraflop difference in the development is not relevant, no more and no less. And I would agree with that without testing it myself. The text says that the Xbox has the better performance of the hardware. You answered yourself.


That was a reasonable answer I can live with.