Played until Dawn? How do you like it?

- in PlayStation

Who played Until Dawn on Playstation? How do you like it?

I'm currently playing it on the PS4 pro and I think it's gigantic, atmospheric, great sound, great graphics, it really flashed me


I love it. The atmosphere and the graphics are breathtaking. Great storyline.


Was quite ok


I enjoyed it very much. The horror atmosphere was great and the decision-making options are very large. The sound design is great. Gameplay is easy to use too. The graphics have aged well, so it still looks great. The synchronization is also great and the dialogues are very realistic, including the emphasis on the speakers.

Only the different ends are a bit flatter and are quite similar, which makes winning the platinum trophy a bit cumbersome. Whereby you still have many different possibilities to influence the story with repeated play.

Otherwise it's one of the best horror games I've played and that's why it was worth the platinum trophy despite the last point.


Thank you very much for your detailed statement, I'm happy to hear that it has been rated very positively, so far I'm blown away, annoyed not having played this pearl earlier


I got it from PS + at the time and didn't really have too high expectations. Thought that maybe it's going too much towards teen horror. Well, it is something but it is actually limited. In any case, my expectations were exceeded and it was really fun to play.


Yes, I also noticed teen horror, but it doesn't detract from the horror, there have also been quite a few teen horror films in recent years, they are all very well made and also creepy, even if they often bring their horror here through jump scares


Until dawn is one of the best horror games out there, but I think it's a shame that there's no sequel because at the end of a certain person (no idea whether he survived with you) it looked like this