Does Genshin Impact need a lot of data?

- in PlayStation

I downloaded Genshin Inpact onto my Ps4 and was happy to play it after waiting months. However, I then found out that a permanent internet connection is needed, which makes it impossible for me to gamble because I don't have Wi-Fi at home. I only downloaded it from a friend who in turn has Wi-Fi. However, I have 20 GB of data on my cell phone. So I thought that I would use a hotspot on my cell phone and connect my Ps4 to it to play it. My only question is would that cost me a lot of data volume?


I'm not sure if the game uses a lot of data, but it could be that the PS4 takes up a lot of data, but I think 20GB is more than enough
why don't you have Wi-Fi?


This is not really helpful for the question, but still. My mother doesn't have one and I don't make any money