Give a friend Call of Duty?

- in PlayStation

I would like to surprise my friend with the new Call of Duty, which is expected to be released at the end of October / beginning of November (Modern Warfare?) Because he is so looking forward to it.

He has a PS4, but unfortunately I do not know how I should give him the game - especially so timely that he has not bought it first. Can I book it in advance, book it in a store or should I simply buy a credit-card? I would really like to have it on the first day so he does not hesitate.

I'm from Austria.


Well then I would almost recommend you to pre-order, have until now the experience that I got the games on the day of publication on Amazon.


Will be difficult if he wants to buy it anyway soon. Since you do not know (?) How to buy it, you always have a chance to double it.

Credit is inefficient, as it is always 10-15 euro more expensive in the PS Store. And at Amazon, you usually get. The german version.


As a "real" gift, the game is in a box that you can pack naturally beautiful. If you order now fast, then the package is on the release day (Friday) there.

But you can also just buy PSN credits (for example, 70 EUR) and give it as a coupon. So he can download the game online from the PS store and play it the same day. The advantage is that he could then buy something else, if he has already ordered COD.

I wish my partner would give me something great ;-)