Decentralized English Exam Talking about myself?

- in PlayStation

I would be glad if someone could read that over it and could make suggestions for improvement, I'm not sure if that is well formulated

Thanks in advance

My name is… I'm… Years old. I was born on the 15th of december… In… Now we live in… We live in a nice house. The house has three floors. The lower and upper apartments were rented by a family and a company.Me and My Family live in the middle apartment. My brother… My brothers… My brothers… And my sisters… And… My brother… Is 20 years old and my other brother… Is 19 years old. My father works at landraces and my mother is a housewife. My parents emigrate from… To Germany at the age of fifteen. My favorite hobbies are swimming and badminting. I almost go swimming on saturday or sunday. I love to watch series. My favorite series is the big bang theory. I play a lot of games on my Playstation. My favorite game is Fortnite. I speak three languages German English and… My first language is… At school, my favorite subjects are math and english. I'am thinking about doing something with cars or electronics in the future.

I do not know exactly how I could end this maybe… That is mi Life…

ps: I have to talk about myself for 5 minutes


Series you translate better with TV shows.

Otherwise, you still have some errors in it, but I suppose that you should recite that freely, right?


Yes, I should recite it freely


To fill 5 minutes is a bit short. Spontaneously I would come up with additional topics such as pets, pets, holidays, friends…


So first of all, data in English is written like this: 15th december.

The 'of' is just spoken. 'Now we live…' is very German and can't be translated as 'We're now living in…' is recommended there more.

If you talk about the floors in a house you talk about 'stories' That's not like in German. Although we say for: 'We're on the third floor' in English 'we're on the third floor' but in general the word 'story' is used.

Then I would advise you to say "My Family and I" - it's like in German: you count yourself up last.

I would delete the "and" after listing your family members and just put a point.

housewife with 'e'

badminton instead of "badminting"

"I go swimming almost every saturday and sunday" - so:, I go almost every Sam. And Son. Swimming.

"TV Series" instead of just 'Series

"I would like to finish in the future and do a car or electronics."

I would advise you to talk about the reasons why you want to do a job in this direction.

For example:

"Ever since I was young… / ever since I could not remember caring for a car." My friends and I used to talk about different car models passion came up with the idea of working in this kind of field.

Kind regards,

Lisa (German-American and tutor teacher for 3 years)


Thank you for explaining it in detail Thank you


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