Why is it said that guys like to gamble if that's not true?

- in PlayStation

So of course I know that these hardcore wannabe "gamergirls" catch one but actually it always means that guys would like to have a girlfriend who plays. But every time I meet someone and. He learns that I play back and PlayStation is much more averse than that he finds it cool. I'm no one who claims 24/7 to be a cool gamergirls they only find out because they get it by accident. So to the question do guys like it when girls play PlayStation or not?


It is not worded as I put it, but the direction of the answer is already fitting. She has to work faster in the house and garden so that she has time to play.


If the man / boy himself is not interested in video games, maybe even stupid, then logically he will not be interested.

You shear all over a comb ^^


Well "cool" is chosen something unhappy.
It does not matter to me or something.

I only like to play myself and I'm happy when I can share my hobby with my girlfriend.
The fact that women play today is no longer abnormal, but has become quite common.

So it does not bother me, but I'm also glad that you have a girlfriend who does not label the games you play as stupid because she does not play herself.

It just should not be an addiction!