I have a can't forget a girl

- in PlayStation

I'm 19 years old and I got to know an internet friend through gambling in 2017. We always gambled together. She was 17 years old at the time we got along well from the start, then we talked about all sorts of things while gambling. I first got about America because she was already there and then I flew there so we already had a topic of conversation after a month of gambling I asked her what kind of music she heard she said so Capital Bra and then it was so that she stopped playing in 2019 ps4 play but we then continued to write on WhatsApp I have to say she came from Denmark and I was in Bavaria so I always sent her Bavarian jokes and she gave me Danish jokes until she terminated her friendship in 2019 because of her boyfriend me must say he wrote to me from your cell phone why I write so much to me then I wrote we could make a phone call he said so for once yes un d then we talked on the phone and he said so why do you write to my girlfriend so often i said so watch out i get along with her quite well then he said nothing more he said so if you write to her often then i'll get mad I said I don't want any stress, he said he didn't want any stress and then he was allowed to call his girlfriend again, she said then he doesn't mean angry at all and one day later she blocked me I have to say we never met in person but had before and whenever I hear Capital Bra I have to think of her she would have gone to a concert with me, she said I really wanted to give you the money so that was before she terminated my friendship, what can I do to forget her was i in love with her?


First of all: learn to write with commas and periods.

then, what you described is a typical internet friendship completely past reality. This happens again and again to people who spend too much time in front of the computer or smartphone and somehow have no real life of their own (I'm sorry to say that, but that's more like the truth).

What you can do to forget her:
Finally start living a real life with real human-to-human communication. I.e. Without a smartphone or computer in between with someone who lives in your city with whom you can really meet and do something and not with someone who is 700 km away who you almost never meet with whom you only talk in a sitting position in front of a screen "It's not even a real conversation.