Ps4 defect? Precise aiming not possible, did someone ever have that?

- in PlayStation

I have a Ps4, it is 1 month old.

Aiming is inaccurate, you have to steer / aim and still it is difficult to hit. Most of the time I meet when I aim across the other. So good luck with it.

In addition, the frame rate is pretty bad. It has something of a flip book. If you record it on Hamdy and let it run in slow motion you can see how the opponent is suddenly somewhere else. Better said not there again, the other one is briefly gone between the pictures.

Earlier I noticed that when I set graphics to 480, the lowest level, I can suddenly aim normally. Frame rate is still bad, bin dips are still there.

Only aiming works more directly again.

Now I have a PS4

With a frame rate of a PS2

And with the picture quality of a PS3

Does anyone of you know that?

Have you heard or experienced something like this?

What did you do


I don't really think the PS4 can make such errors. Sounds more like a broken controller combined with bad internet… Is that also the case with offline games?


Offline also specially tested.

A technician measured the line with 0 faults 2 months ago.

The utilization of the line is also max when gaming at 20% -30%.

As I said on the lowest graphics, aiming works.

I reset the controller, played with the cable on the controller. Always the same problem.

A colleague says he doesn't have these problems. Also has 500mbit line. So I connected my ps4 to him with the same sympthome. His doesn't. His is at least 6 years old.


I tested it with two new controllers. It is so bad sometimes that I can't hit the door frame while walking.


OK. Call Sony support, friendly staff. Sending in takes about 3 weeks, but will usually be repaired free of charge. +49 6102 771 3001