Relationship, hobby, gambling?

- in PlayStation

I (m) 23 years and you 22 years have been together for 1 year and live together. My little hobby online gaming on my Ps4 with my friends has always been fun. Since our relationship, I've been playing 70% less than before. But that's still too much for my girlfriend. It makes absolutely no compromises. She is absolutely against it even if it is 1-2 hours in which she is employed at home and I have nothing to do. Even if she wants to watch one of her series and is looking in the other room, I'm not allowed to gamble in the living room but only watch TV or as I always say "lying there stupidly and waiting until time is for bed". It really annoys me extremely because she can do whatever she wants. Find it really extremely unfair and when I address the topic it is blocked immediately and the day is almost as good as it was. What should I do? Really feel like chained and locked up. I have already downloaded handy games as a small replacement for times between on the couch. Need advice from others who may or may have had the same problem.


For me it would be a criterion to end the relationship, because it obviously tries to change you and does not want to talk about it.

It's your hobby, if she doesn't get on with it, I don't see a future.


It definitely doesn't sound good.

You are absolutely right, that is not fair! I can understand them a little if you don't like to gamble… My last girlfriend didn't like that either.

But if you have already reduced the time for her anyway, I don't understand this whole theater. Apparently she doesn't even want to talk about it.

If I were you, I would look intensively for the conversation again (really bring you to the table where she has no chance of escaping or escaping the conversation) and try to clarify this. To me it sounds like she wants to "control" you. She can do what she wants, so why not you?

hope i could help