Star Wars game?

- in PlayStation

I have a question: Surely some of you know the game Elite It's an old Commodore64 game. Now my question: is there an open world game for less than 20 euro, which is exactly like the game Elite, but with modern graphics and where you can land on planets and negotiate, as in the game Elite? I would like one that doesn't have a set story. It would be cool, however, if every action had an effect on other things, here's an example: You land on a new planet, find a person there that you speak to and she gives you e.g. A bounty contract. You do it, but fail (get caught by soldiers, end up in jail or buy or bribe the soldiers to release them). You are now free again and can do other things. Here's an example: There's a barracks or cantine on another planet and you ask the bar keeper if she'll pay you for a few days of work at the Teke. But she says that she knows you are / were a criminal and maybe not get along well with people XD. You then have to try to tell her a lie or convince her differently / just let it be. So now you see what kind of game I have in mind. It would also be cool if you could write your own texts / answers to the NPCs, steal spaceships, buy or even build your own XD! I hope you find a game that looks like this!

PS: Platform doesn't matter at first! But Ps3 / PC / Ps4 / Switch would be cool. Or cell phone, of course


No, there's no such thing. The next one would be starsector or no mans sky.




As well.