I recently got a PS4 now. However, when I wanted to connect the HDMI cable to the television, I noticed that the connector on the television is a bit too small for the HDMI cable. Is there any way to make it fit?
If it doesn't fit, it doesn't fit. Either a wrong cable, no HDMI connection or one of both broken. How old is the tv
What kind of television do you have exactly, a picture from the HDMI connection would also be helpful?
Thanks for your answer, it's a DGM TV, about 2 years.
The TV is about 2 years old.
Then look for the right link to get out there
Put in a picture of the cable and television
DGM 22 inch wide screen LED TV
I only find that it has an HDMI input, in the link an HDMI cable with plug to mini HDMI is the socket suitable?
Thanks for the star, greetings to you