Can my brother ever attend a normal school?

- in PlayStation

My little brother (13 years old) is mentally up and down at the moment, which is normal in puberty, but reinforced by his ADHD. At home he often turns the wheel when he can't play PS4 or go to his cell phone, snaps and offends my parents to the lowest level, even though he actually loves us…

Now he also came out that he is bullied, but instead of that he just talks to us and I ask him really sweet, if he does not want to talk about what happened, he relaxes and makes me as so often before his, friends " down…

He attends a boarding school because of his behavior, but how can he cope with the behavior in a normal school if he refuses everything for the betterment?


I'm sorry to read! And respect for you and your patience.

In which school he will go, that is not a meaningful topic for good question. Because it is a third party about which we only know fragments.

We can only say something about your relationship: take care of yourself and to protect yourself. So he can't pull you into his downward spiral. Pull back when it snaps.

There are two elements:

"I ask him really sweet, if he does not want to talk about what happened, he snaps out"

The wording was not suitable for him. To ask an injured, inhibited person "do you want to talk", - is not adequate. He obviously is verbally helpless. Better, you take him without a word.

and "like me so many times down in front of his friends." Tell him that it hurts you and ask him not to do it any more, how does he react?


I took that in the arms, but he answers this hug as:

Piss off, you swallows!


Children / teenagers do not want to talk about bullying. Although it is said in theory that it helps to talk to someone about it, it does not make a child, which I can understand well. Imagine someone interfering in your affairs. Since one's hands are tied. What makes much more sense is talking with his teacher about how it can be allowed to bully at his school. That would make me extremely angry as a dad.


He is probably in quite a crisis, as far as his role as a man is concerned. What is on a 13-year-old on the note on the brain: "closed because of conversion".


I came into puberty relatively early, but was never so less to my brother or my parents


Siblings supposedly develop very differently. Everyone chooses his place, which is not yet occupied. The Elder is often the most responsible, more serious. The Younger the Charming, etc.

I would wait a few weeks. Maybe things will level up and things will turn out again. If not, good question is too superficial. Consult a counseling center on how to best reach your brother. Maybe he carries bad things with him that he can't verbalize and that he is ashamed of.


You know what is lost.

I thought he should go to the sibling board?

He will not let you help.

And, due to your very confused, complicated family relationships, it will not get better.

Sorry Bro, some things can't be nice.

You all have to!


Just like that, do you think that I've always been autistic or that came through family relationships? Btw, at least I have at least something in school


We have taken it briefly in Bio times. As far as I know, it's almost always an inheritance thing (often a father) and it has something to do with brain chemistry development in pregnancy, often parents' ages. In the course of life, it can vary in severity. And Asperger is the lightest form and that's the best way to live.

So, I think you were born of it. What is going on with you is certainly not conducive to your healthy development. But you know that yourself.


Yes, my Ma was 41 and my dad has atypical autism 🤷🏻♂️


This can be a reason, but it does not have to be. The vagaries of nature are unpredictable and unpredictable.

I always tell myself… There are always people who are feeling worse and think positively. Make the best out of it.


I also get along well and often you do not notice it when I'm not stressed out, I always put off extreme situations to treat it. I understand Mega well at school with people, but they stop and I have a hard time talking.