How do I get out of window mode on sims 4?

- in PlayStation


I got a new ps4 yesterday and when I started sims 4 I was suddenly in windowed mode. With my old ps4 it wasn't like that there was sims 4 in full screen. I also read on the internet how you can change that and everyone said that you can change that in game options under "Graphics". When I looked it up myself, there was no category called graphics or something like that. That bothers me a lot and I hope you can help me.

Thank you!

How do I get out of window mode on sims 4 How do I get out of window mode on sims 4 - 1

Window mode? Do you think your HUD is a little closer to the center or what? In this case, simply go to the Playstation settings then "Sound and Screen" and then "Display Area Settings" if necessary restart Sims again.


Yes that was the right thing. I thought it was because of sims.