If you see a darkly dressed person in front of the window for the 6th time, can you dial the emergency number (am 13)?

- in PlayStation

I have been observed for a few weeks (November 30th, 2020).

I saw the person first at my living room window (6:23) early. I was at home alone. I live in an apartment building on the ground floor
[1 week later] saw the dark figure in front of our living room window, this time from the outside, because I wanted to give my father a cake from my grandma. Then I saw a figure interrupt the light.
[? At 11:00 pm] The person was in front of my bedroom window.

[? At 6:00 pm or so] I was home alone again and was hanging up the laundry. It was dark outside and I saw someone at my window, dressed in black, shopping with a torch.

[? At 1:00 am sharp] I was lying in bed and looking out the window and then I saw him… When he noticed that I had seen him he ran away, like always.

[12/21/2020 Sometime 8-10 a.m.] I had gambled in our living room on my father's PS4. In the corner of my eye I saw someone standing in front of my balcony (in front of our living room window) and looked at me, then he ran away again. I was so scared that there was nothing I could do about it.

I would be grateful for answers!


Don't you have any shutters? Or thick curtains?


Try to record the person. Or set up a small camera that is directed outside. But if that is so frequent and so creepy, call the guard and tell the officers exactly what you have described here and at the next meeting you dial the emergency number, maybe they'll catch the weirdo


You should first inform your parents immediately. They'll know what to do, have a nice evening


Yes, but I don't want to sit in the dark all the time and if I have to go out because of something I'm afraid that he will be waiting for me and when I have the shutters open I see more and then I feel safer


The problem is: My father said when I told him about the man for the second time, he said BOA EY NOW DON'T START STARTING AGAIN! Do you see exactly that he said to me.


Aren't they down at night either? Especially if the EC is so that everyone can see inside, I would do it. Did you talk to your parents about it?


What about the mother?


I never used to close the blinds because I could hammer them in better, but I've closed them since I saw him. I talked to my father about it but he always said now don't start again (no interest)


That's not so good from your father. Then you can call the police if it doesn't change.


Okay thanks!


Yes, of course you can.


I have no more contact with her and I don't know where she lives either


Maybe psychotherapy will help you further?

Every day I see at least 30 people in dark clothes outside my window, some of them live on my street.

Or what do you think of the fact that when you feel observed again, you just go out, ask the person and ask?


He's always gone when I go out


That does not surprise me.

This is inherent in imaginary figures