PSN tickets from Austria will not be accepted?

- in PlayStation

Am currently in Austria and yesterday I bought 3 * 20 euro credit to renew my PS +. But the cards are not accepted on my ACC that I have created in Germany.


Try to change your home in Austria. Or in the store yes there's the possibility of stores in other countries to colder search times Austria.
Unfortunately, I can't think of anything else


How can you change your home?

And that with the store change to Austrian does not work, you can only browse, buy nothing.


Have just looked after you can't change the home unfortunately


Unfortunately I would not know anything more. But where in Austria are you? If you like and even in Vienna, I'll buy it from you. If you are interested, just write me in person 😉


If the acc is from Germany I think you can pay only with German money ok since you make a couple of weeks holiday in Austria is no matter because headquarters is so to speak in DE


I'm on 06.10.19 in Vienna Handelskai 12, if you want to have the cards, I'll give them to you for 40 euro, almost 20 euro for free