Buy a gaming PC?

- in PlayStation

Hi, I'm 15 and will soon be 16. I want to buy a gaming PC, but my parents won't let them talk to them, especially my mum. She says that I should be active at school but it hardly goes through Corona. At the moment I write 1,2,3 sometimes a 4 but I mostly write it off. I want to buy a gaming PC because I've had a PS4 for 4 years and I find it boring to play on it. A gaming PC gives me more options, e.g. To play Lusors Concerts with or to play GTA RP on FiveM or play Forza Horison. Can also do my school things on it.

If someone has good arguments, please write them


Buy it yourself So save the money and then buy it yourself, your parents just don't want to pay the money


Argument: You don't just have to use it for gaming, you can also use it to edit pictures or videos.

Counter-argument: It doesn't have to be a gaming PC. A normal with an acceptable graphics card is also sufficient.


Yes, I've already saved, but I want you to at least buy me a keyboard or mouse


Yes, it should mainly be used to gamble


Since you currently write average grades (1-4), you show your parents that you only achieve average school results even without a gaming PC. If you try hard and only get good grades (1-2), your parents will surely see that you don't have to spend as much time preparing for school and that a gaming PC would not have such a negative impact on your performance.


A keyboard and a mouse cost a total of 200 euro than if that stopped you buying a PC


Why don't your parents want to buy you a gaming PC? Is it a financial issue or do they think it will distract you too much and worsen your academic performance?


If you have enough money for a whole gaming PC, a keyboard and / or mouse is the cheapest. Why should they buy you these components right now? Also, "I want you to at least… Buy me" is not a good argument. Be friendly and ask for it, but demanding doesn't help.


You can get a cheap keyboard and mouse together for just 30 euro


Yes, but then they are fine too


@NichtGraslunte Spending 200 euro on keyboard and mouse is a lot of money, but there are also a lot of offers that are cheaper and at the same time are of good quality.


And he wonders when his parents don't buy anything


If I ask my father something he would kick me to pieces


Ok, but sufficient to start with. You can always buy new components later.


And in the end you spend more money than you would buy the good ones straight away


Yes you are right But if the money is not there, there's no other way


Yes, that's right, but if you don't have the money for a good keyboard / mouse, you shouldn't get a gaming pc


Neither have I. But for me it is also a great source of addiction. I've been on the PC for 14 hours at the moment.


Financially, it's not because of that, but it's just that I'm trying to improve myself and that I should buy it myself


In addition, I have a WLAN block that goes to me until 8:30 p.m. So I'm trying to talk to you today


I don't see a problem in that. But you also have to be able to control your playing times and set limits for yourself. Does it work?


That may be true, but my grades only got better AFTER I started to play a lot more on the PC than before. Because if you are not allowed to gamble a lot, you spend a large part of the time away from the PC mentally on the PC. If you can then gamble more, it will be less, as I have observed.


It shouldn't come across like that. I just wanted to express that they let my wish come true. I have been doing without a lot for 3-4 months that I can save myself the PC, I already have so much but I just need someone to order it and these are just my parents because I would transfer the money to them


That would of course be a good counterexample, but from my own experience and the exchange with my father (I have moved out in the meantime) parents are more likely to fear that it is the other way around and therefore prefer to forbid it.


Before you buy the pc, I would talk to your parents about the lock. You can ask for a compromise. But then you also have to promise them that you can control your consumption yourself.


I have a WLAN lock in there, so I can only at a certain time and I'm currently also self-employed and do a lot on my own without any help


Why do you have the lock? You don't really need something like that.


It's not about the lock that I can leave in, because it doesn't allow me to gamble so much.


Yes, but then parents can also set limits on your new gaming PC - Family Safety ^^. Although I wouldn't do that with a 15 year old. But it is the case that I myself have such a lock in there that I have set up myself. But I'm also addicted to the internet.


Thank you for your comments. I'm trying to talk to you today and hope it goes well for both parties


I wish you all the best - if you approach her, it can only help you


Because I was loud and when I gambled that I forgot everything and the household had never done anything since it was in there




Ok, if it helps you then it's good. I no longer have anyone who can restrict me there. I have to do it myself - it's not easy for me. I'll be going to addiction counseling soon.


It's all pretty brief. I advise you what I advise every young person: move out of home as early as possible! One shouldn't get too used to following arbitrary rules. If you have to stand on your own two feet later, there are no rules, you have to learn without getting along.


Lol, they really don't matter in terms of price, cheap models like these are what do


Is it bad to be gay (?)


At 15 he probably won't be able to move out. Maybe at 16 for training. But that is also mega early.


Yes, after that you get on better with your parents - the distance really helps!


I'm through this school year and am training to be a vehicle painter


Yes, but it should be unique


Top! Go through with it


Well see, then your life will most likely change fundamentally anyway.


Yes, it also helped me a lot to move out of home when I was 18


Until then you sometimes had such a quiet voice that assumed it was up to you that your parents were banging. The parents do not become more sensible later either, but you can talk to them again at some point.


I can understand you - but today I sometimes wish I had parents back who set me limits. I'm already in my late 20s.


Whatever you mean by that


Well, I live far away from my fam and in the home office in isolation, I often lacked the structure and self-discipline. I will soon be in addiction counseling because I have problems with internet consumption.