I ordered the ACER Nitro QG241Y monitor, but it has no integrated speakers. I wanted to connect my ps4 and switch there. I'm not very familiar with it, so how do I get sound out of it with speakers? Unfortunately, the monitor only has 2 HDMI connections and 1 PDA.
or is there nothing you can do at all?
Not at all the monitor has neither speakers nor an audio output either you go directly from your PS4 to a system via an optical cable or you order an adapter that picks up the sound from the HDMI, but you need another HDMI cable
Thanks! Do you have any recommendations for adapters that go from the audio to HDMI?
Which connections do you need optically 3.5 millimeter jack?
Yes 3.5
Even here I don't have any now (which are affordable) so I can't say anything about the adapters you need something with these you can use it for 3 HDMI devices
So from my loudspeaker from 3.5mm jack (and yes then the hdmi on my monitor) if that's understandable what I mean
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