DVD with low resolution harmful?

- in PlayStation

Earlier, when I was little, we had an SD TV, so a box. Since I have always put in a DVD from abroad in the DVD recorder, and I looked at this. Everything seemed normal.

Today I found this DVD, and put in my PS4 to watch them on my HD TV (Smart TV).

I only watched this DVD for about 40 minutes. It was terrible. I have very strong eye pain. And you saw the individual pixels, and these were big!

Now I have made the Playstation. And my eyes are still hurting and I see everything totally blurry.

My question:

Did I damage my eyes now permanently? Is the DVD at all suitable for a Playstation or an HD television?

Was that even possibly carcinogenic?


"Was that even possibly carcinogenic?"



You're just not used to watching content in HD. Go with the same. Everything under Full HD is Pixelmatsch and strains the eyes.


I've been reading a bit… But unfortunately I do not have the answer to my question.

Maybe the pixels that damaged my retina on the eye could cause brain cell mutations?


So you can't damage the eyes, they are overexcited but that should soon normalisieren.Wenn the DVD had the resolution of a VHS video cassette, since many films were simply copied from VHS, then the DVD has a resolution of 320x200 pixels, the is then hard work for the eyes when seen on a big TV.

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