Do many young girls play Ps4?

- in PlayStation

I'm 16 and wanted to ask if there are many girls of the age who also play games on Ps4. I would be interested because I have never found any online.


The games tend to be on the switch, on the cell phone, or on the laptop.


Aso ok thanks


You will hardly find any that would also interest you.

PS4 is what it is, it's a game console with limited people who care.

This also includes very few female persons. You would rather win a 4 or 3 in the lottery than make acquaintance with a female person there.


So, for example, I've never heard girls chat overwatch.

Not in others either.

I think rather few girls play it.


A lot of girls play PS4! What are you talking about here?


There are a few girls who gamble. For example, I also play PS4 (I'm not 16 years old), but I notice that there are more boys than girls on this console.


Many girls play.


Or on vibrating consoles


Aso thank you


There are more women than men who gamble.


So I'm not 16 but I gamble a lot and a lot when the working hours allow it. Fallout 76 oft although the game is a single bug but doesn't matter 😂


A lot of girls play PS4! What are you talking about here?

Lan party made in 2019

400 people came, including 150 PS4 gamers.

Of the 150 a girl was there but it took 4 hours to break down. You were bothered by being hit on by people all the time!

So tell the trash about yourself to others who care!


Then there are exceptions. I thought there would be a lot of games mainly because of the curfew


There are more women than men who gamble.

Faith dies last. Facts speak a different language!

If that were the case, the questioner would not ask such a question. Does the jingle ring up there?

You can buy brains from a butcher. Whether it helps is up to you.


Girls don't go to Lan parties where there are boys, they definitely do girls Lan parties


More women gamble than you think.


Okay it always fluctuates a bit but google gamble more women than men.


If you don't have a console, the girls can't play xD


How do you know the brain can be bought from a butcher? 😙✌


Girls don't go to Lan parties where there are boys, they definitely do girls Lan parties

Sorry but if you are so blind and don't see the lamppost in front of you, it's your own fault!

To believe simply means not to know.

The reality is different from club. Take less of the drugs you take, maybe you will see it more clearly (meaning ironically)


Okay it always fluctuates a bit but google gamble more women than men.

Keep dreaming your hopes, just take less of the stuff, maybe you will see it more clearly (meaning ironically)


Why do you always write ironically?


I mean: a lot of girls play but about 6% of them are girls

So that's relatively little in the ratio

Hope you understand what i mean


Oh and the rest are aliens and tyrants or how?


No, the rest are boys, of course.


Oh 😂