Activate primary PS4 does not work (no option)?

- in PlayStation

So I wanted to activate the primary Ps4 on another account, but there's not even this option. Normally the option "Activate primary Ps4" would be available via license repair, but it doesn't even say that here. Why?


Since I'm not the best in English, I want to ask if you have also clicked on account management if so, it may be because it is probably activated with a different account on your ps4 and you can therefore not activate it


I've already checked, I've already deactivated it on my current main account. And I can still see this option on another account, just not on that.


If you have deactivated it with your other acc, it will appear on your main acc


Hi, just wanted to ask if you have an answer because I have the same problem and I don't know what to do