Ps4 automatically deactivates the primary Ps4?

- in PlayStation

I have a problem with my Ps4 which annoys me a lot and I gave my friend my account because he didn't have a Ps Plus himself.

When I then wanted to undo the whole thing, I activated my Ps4 on Primary. Since we're having problems with our Wi-Fi provider and we have wanted to change it for a long time, the Wi-Fi was not on for 3 days.

Well, I play for three days without Wi-Fi. When I started up my Ps I saw that I couldn't play almost all of my games because I have to activate my Ps on primary.

When the Wi-Fi was working again, I went to the Ps settings and actually the Ps had automatically deactivated on the primary Playstation.

2 weeks later the Wi-Fi failed again and then had the same promlem with my ps.

My question is how can it be that my Ps are automatically deactivated on primary again and again?

I would be very happy about any helpful answer.


It doesn't work automatically, you or your friend has changed it, otherwise it must be a bug


Then think it is more of a bug, you can no longer access my account if it is activated on primary? 🤷♂️


But clearly xD


Quite simply: If the PS4 is not set to primary, you need an internet connection to verify the game licenses. This is the case with sharing.

Nobody has changed anything, it's just about the internet connection.