Can you get a trophy on the PlayStation?

- in PlayStation

So back at Ps3 there was a single trophy I had missed for the Platinum Trophy. But for that I needed another player who is in my friends list. Nobody played anymore and therefore I could never make the trophy at that time. I also did not have PS3 anyway and now the online servers of the game are down anyway. It was just an online trophy. I wrote to the PlayStation support and asked if it works. I got in answer to clarify it by phone. But I dare not call for something because they have better things to do 😅 If it would forget about password then I would call yes but no idea. Did you ever hear that you can get a trophy for free? It's really just this one that bothers me because of the platinum. Incidentally, this is the game PlayStation All Stars Battle Royale.


No, that will not work.


No, that is not possible.

However, you can get yourself a savegame, but then you need many programs like Bruteforce again and believe me, that you do not want to hurt yourself.


Haha okay thanks for the answer!

Yes, because of a trophy, this is not worth it. But it really bothered me for a while. This one trophy because of which I do not have the platinum.- Well, but recently I thought that as compensation I would make or finish a platinum trophy in a game where I did not really care because the trophies are a bit annoying xD


May I ask which game you wanted to play on platinum?


Yes, of course, you can ask everything. So I had written it in my question is just a bit long xD It was years ago and was about PlayStation Battle Royale. All the different characters from different PlayStation games like Nathan, Ratchet & Clank and all that. In principle, Super Smash for PlayStation only in bad xD The only trophy I had missed as I said was to make a Versus game against a player from the Friends list. At that time I had found no one who still plays it and then the Ps3 was gone sometime anyway and could not make the trophy any more: / 1-2 months ago I had also noticed that for this game and many other Ps3 titles anyway Online Dinste were closed.

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