Online multiplayer games (ps4)?

- in PlayStation

I could use some a help.

And I'm looking, as you can see from the title, multiplayer games for the Ps4. Not that there would be too little or that I know too few, I do not know much more the right ones.

The game / games should have some features that I have not found despite research.

Because it should: give a freeroom, be compatible from two players but also a few more, you should just be able to make nonsense (well, it's freeroom but I wanted to say extra), you should be able to build something (similar GTA Online), and if the game even has a multiplayer campaign then it's perfect.

The last point with the campaign is only an addition and not necessary.

Does anyone know such a game?




Had nothing to do with the ps4 for a long time.

Somewhere I know such a game but forgot how that would mean ark would come to my mind

You can build something and do a lot of nonsense. But that with the story in multiplayer, I do not remember exactly