F1 2020 league recommended?

- in PlayStation

I'm looking for an F1 league, but I don't know how to look for a good league. I've only recently switched from PS4 to PC and want to find a good league, but I don't know how. It was easy on PS4, you always had people asking you, I don't have that anymore. And when I enter "F1 Liga PC" in GOOGLE, 2-3 leagues come out, but they are not for me, and I'm sure that there are PC leagues that are for me. Maybe who knows where to apply, who will be addressed or written to? Or maybe someone happens to know about a good league or has one himself?


Just search for the Katzes Racing League (KRL) on google. Take a look at everything on the homepage, and if you are convinced, go to the Contact tab and add one of the league leaders or admins on Steam 🤗