Ps4 starts automatically?

- in PlayStation

Hi, my Ps4 turned on automatically tonight and the controller lit up. Then I pulled all the plugs and the controller was still lit. This morning the controller beeped again as if I had pressed the home button so that the Ps4 came on. The Ps4 started up and I left it that way.

When I was playing a game, my other controller suddenly connected to the Ps4 in the middle of the game. So it went on all the time. I then keep connecting my main controller so that the other controller stops blinking and should actually be "switched off". But after a few seconds / minutes my other controller reconnects to the Ps4, although I don't press anything and don't want to?

Does anyone have experience with it? What can I do with someone who doesn't always log in without my will? Oh, and when I'm at the start screen and press the home button (with the strange controller) I log out completely with my account and it logs in again automatically.


Could it be that water has spilled on your controller? 😅


No, it was actually always lying peacefully on the shelf.


Hm… Do you know how old the controller is and how did you charge it via a socket or via a PS4 USB port? 🙃


I bought it from France at a gaming shop and that was about 1 year ago, I charge it via the USB port.


OK weird🤔

The only thing you could still try would be to push a very thin screwdriver or a relatively thin piece into the small hole on the back of the controller (in the hole is the reset button) if that doesn't help, I don't know what to do next after the reset everything should work again if it is not defective but just "hung up" 🙂.


I can try that, Thank you for your help! ❤


With great pleasure😊, I hope it works again afterwards👍🏻


I had that a few weeks ago too.

In the middle of the night, the PS4 turned itself on. The beeping woke me up and thought it was in a dream. The next morning it was still on…

But it hasn't happened to me since.

Press the reset button on the back of the controller. Maybe it will help.


Alright thanks!


I think I now know why your PlayStation turned itself on. I started a download today. When I put the part into sleep mode about 40 minutes ago, the download took about 40 minutes. The console has just switched itself on: first message that appeared -> "… Was installed (a minute ago)"

I'm pretty sure it has something to do with this thing. Possibly the console has pulled any update from a game via nsch & then installed it afterwards. She probably wanted to tell you that.

I'll see if it can be exhibited.


Oh yes that could have been it.