PS5 replenishment GameStop?

- in PlayStation

Could GameStop deliver the PS5 later this year or should we expect next year?

Because I was there today (because of a pick-up date) and was told that I was on the list of subsequent delivery and I was promised beforehand that I would have one for the release.


Don't worry… You will get a PS5.

There's, for sure, a sophisticated Corona sales strategy behind it! Autumn has arrived, winter is still ahead, and many countries are already taking measures again. The retail industry is getting virtually no consoles. Xboxs are also sold out. In China, MS / S will already have enough consoles produced, and will certainly always offer them in chunks, in order cycles. The manufacturers dig deep into the psyche of their customers.

A new kind of hype… Because everyone absolutely wants a console, orders are then made. And then they don't need any stores to sell.

In addition, the strategists of the manufacturers are smart and observe world events, who knows what has to seal everything in the coming weeks or what other measures will be ahead.

I also want a new console, but when I look at the games that are coming out this year, I don't need a new console this year.

And who knows if Cyberpunk2077 will come at all, after it was postponed again to mid-December.


I also pre-ordered my GameStop on September 17th for a subsequent delivery. As we all know, there was the 2nd wave of consoles on September 25th. Was just in my store to ask if everything was going well with the pre-order, I was told that they didn't even know when the delivery consoles would arrive. I hope this was just an inexperienced employee as I was guaranteed to get one backed up on the next console wave.

Let's hope the best for everyone who is the same…