GameStop PS5 subsequent delivery In progress When will it arrive?

- in PlayStation

Hello today I have redeemed my reservation code for the PS5 subsequent delivery on, now there's purchase successful We will send you an email as soon as we send your item Delivery status, in progress '' my question is now how long it will take until the console is no longer in Processing is and going is sent?! And finally when I get there I know that nobody can tell me that exactly but how long does it usually take?! At GameStop I was told that she should be with me by December 15th at the latest if I'm lucky even earlier!


Nobody can tell you that either, probably not even Gamestop itself. Because a "Hey, the new product will probably be completely sold out for the entire next six months, in a year with a generally difficult economic situation" is nothing we have had as usual in the last few decades. Do the math in 2020. Whether days, weeks or months can't be answered. GameStop itself will not be able to say with certainty when and how many consoles will be delivered in the near future and how many in the queue can be processed with them.


My console is reserved and should arrive by December 17th, according to GamwStop, my question is how long it usually takes if an item is in process to get to me!


I pre-ordered my PS5 in September and it was 3 months in the process. 🤷♀️ As soon as you order it is in process. You know when she is with you when the status changes to processed / sent.


Those who were lucky enough to order the PS5 now will get it in the middle of December at the earliest