Shipment to the packing station?

- in PlayStation

A few days ago I bought a Playstation 4 game on Ebay.

Since I work in the morning, I thought you would have the game sent to a packing station because the seller specified "Fsk from 18 parcel" as the shipping method.

The game was then sent a few days ago but I did not receive a mailing number or tan.

I assume that the seller will send the game as a large letter.

I haven't been able to reach the seller yet.

Now I would like to know what exactly is happening now.

Does the game arrive at the packing station?

Since I don't have a sending number or Tan, will the game now be sent back to the sender or will it go to the post office because the letter says my recipient data (name, surname and postal number)?

I have already called Dhl but somehow they couldn't help me.

Has anyone ever had such a case?


Because the seller has specified "Fsk from 18 package" as the shipping method

There are no letters with age control.

Parcels with an "age check" are diverted to a post office, whereas "Ident-Check" parcels are sent back to the sender.


The seller has now reported and wrote that he has sent the Playsatation 4 game normally as a large letter to the packing station.

Now the question arises what exactly is happening with the broadcast now…

Will the shipment be redirected to me, the first and last name and post number are on the shipment or does it go back to the sender?


As I have already written, "There are no letters with a prescription test".
The large letter is placed in the packing station that is on the item.


But there was a send number?

He normally sent for 1.55 …


But there was a send number?


There was no transmission number, it should read…


Logically, letters without additional services do not have a shipment number either.

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