Mmorpg without end?

- in PlayStation

Hi, I'm looking for a good mmorpg which does not seem to be easy. I've been playing the mmorpg dragon warrior for 9 years, which I still think is good, but need a change.

What I'm looking for:

One without end I have no desire to play what I know that it is finished at level x or an end boss, etc. Had.

Where to gather resources to build armor yourself or learn magic.

One where you can build armor and weapons yourself and not one where I can have only one at level 30 and from level 40 then the next.

One where I can play alone and not rely on groups that is not in time with me.

Quite important I have to be able to play myself as well. I do not like to play games that chase me from one quest to another. I prefer to smile first without a quest. I've just tried aion… Because you only have to quests at level 100 to come, think is probably made to find connection or recruiting what makes sense, but sells me directly the fun.

Well just any game like kite warrior where man on many things such as audacity reputations, etc. Look what is well done there go reputations up to 3000 points and not as in other games where a megalomaniac to pay have received reputation of x million points? Senseless things can be kept smaller everywhere by their income are not synonymous

Must be in German not bock on English whether paygame or not is secondary.

Oh, I would think of a lot, but I'll come to what I'm not looking for.

What I'm not looking for: and have already tried z.t.

Ego shooter, not my thing! Otherwise, I would throw gta into the playstation or the doom.

Runescape: is not bad thought of the construction but is rather something for my daughter looks too childish to me.

Revelation online: I can speak English but I do not need support.

Black desert: Paygame are yes io I spend money for stupid but before I make an abo I want to have at least einwenig probegespielt.kaufe yes no car without it to drive before!

Mu Legends: Spare me from something like that.

Neverwinter: Too much autorun and weapons limited

4 Story: Not my taste.

Final Fantasy: Exactly my taste has an end

So I thank you already in case someone comes up with something I look at this and give my mustard. Smile mfg Patrick

P.S. You are allowed to keep the spelling mistakes I'm innocent this is my keyboard!


I see that titles have already been tested, but I still have some ideas that evntl. Could be good.
How about these following titles:

Blade & Souls
Guild Wars 2
Star Wars the Old Republic
Ark Age Unchanted (my name is the new title)


I'll take a look, thank you