Can I redeem a GTAO Cas Card (PC) on PS4?

- in PlayStation

Hi, I bought a Megalodon Cash Card for GTA Online, primarily play GTA on the PS4 Pro and the card is for the PC. Is there a way to use the card for the PS4 by, for example, transferring the account to PC, charging it and transferring it back to PS4 or synchronizing the PS4 and PC account or something?


A PC Sharkcard only works for PC

PS4 only for PS4 etc.

You could transfer your account, but not so that the money is then on your PS4 account. You could, however, play on the PS4 with your PC account


Alright thanks. The last chance not to have wasted all that money is to try and get rid of that thing on Ebay, right?


If you've bought a reasonably expensive card, you could probably exchange it for a Playstation Card or a Sharkcard for PS4


So on Ebay, yes