Ps4 connected via LAN cable but no Internet is working already fails to retrieve ip address there are helpful tips?

- in PlayStation

I have a problem as described above I want to connect my PS4 with a LAN cable to the Internet but that does not work I have a 20 m lankabel up to ps4 because the router is on the ground floor at the end of the lankabel still a lansplitter connected and from there runs the 2 lan cable to the ps4 I've run from the splitter also other bone like TV and PC both without problems I can use the Internet only on the ps4 is not it I have tried all over me connection type simple and user-defined to connect this is not DNS setting changed MTU manually enter the ip address even without success after a bit of tweaking I could retrieve an ip address but then there's a problem with the Internet construction and it works again not synonymous already 3 different LAN cable also tried without success and the LANC cable that goes directly from the router is not synonymous exactly the same problem. Also, I reboot everything router and ps4 also no success. However, I want to connect but via Wi-Fi everything works perfectly and without problems I really need urgent help I despair slowly 😅 please helpful tips and I hope I have helped here, the Internet has been thinned but found nothing. Please, please someone can help me here. For info have a 50k line and as a provider, the telecom.


What kind of router do you have? Most likely you will be able to solve the problem only via the router settings.


The PS4 has to get an IP, which is in the same network as your router.


How can I get that?


I have the Fritz Box 7490


Actually, you only need to enable the DHCP server on the Fritzbox. And then on the PS4 can get the IP automatically.
How exactly that works is in the manual.


I'll take a look at who I'm back home and report